A Tale of Two Sisters
Original title: Opowieść o dwóch siostrach
Short Doc | 16’ | Poland | 2020
Director: Jakub Prysak
Screenplay: Jakub Prysak
DOP: Jakub Prysak
Produced by: The Polish National Film School in Lodz
Co-financed by: Polish Film Institute
Bożenna Paszkiewicz, Zofia Pstrocka, Henryk Pstrocki
Two elderly sisters, Bozenna and Zofia, live next to each other in two flats in the housing block. There are two things that divide them: the wall and completely different political views.
W dwóch mieszkaniach w bloku mieszkają dwie siostry, Bożenna (92 l.) i Zosia (86 l.). Dzielą je dwie rzeczy: ściana oraz zupełnie odmienne poglądy polityczne.
Official Selection
CinEast Luxembourg (LUX)
Ethnocineca IDFF (AUT)
IceDocs Iceland Documentary Film Festival (ISL)
Żubroffka ISFF (POL) - Special Mention & Audience Award
CILECT Prize 2021 - Finalist (INT)
International Film Festival Zoom-Zbliżenia (POL)
Kinoproba International Festival (RUS)
filmPOLSKA Festival (DEU)
Ravno Selo Film Festival (SRB)
Play Poland Film Festival (UK)
Fotofestiwal (POL)
Węgiel Film Festival (POL)
FilmFestival Cottbus (DEU)
ALCINE Festival de Cine de Alcalá de Henares (ESP)
Opolskie Lamy Film Festival (POL) - Grand Prix
Bytom Film Festival (POL)
Lubuskie Lato Filmowe (POL)